The ternary alpha energy distribution revisited

The shape of the energy distribution of the particles emitted in ternary fission has been studied since the discovery of the phenomenon for a large variety of fissioning systems. The general tendency of the observations is that most particles have a Gaussian-shaped energy distribution, except the a-particles, for which mostly an important non-Gaussian tailing on the low-energy side is reported. The origin of this tailing is generally ascribed to the decay of ternary ’He particles in an a-particle and a neutron. Since the experiments reported in the literature are rarely optimised for measuring the low-energy part of the aspectrum, we realised good experimental conditions for studying the 235U(nh,f) ternary a energy distribution at the High Flux Reactor of the ILL in Grenoble. Thanks to a very intense and clean neutron beam, a small, very thin sample of highly enriched U could be used, with an activity of only 1.6 Bq. So the measurements could be done without absorber in between the sample and the AE-E detector. With the resulting low detection limit of 6 MeV, a clearly asymmetric energy distribution was obtained, in agreement with most data in the literature.
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