[Results of the use, for a period of 3 years (1974-1977), in pilot districts, of the complex program of measures for prevention of streptococcal infections and their complications].

: Starting with the year 1974 a total 11 pilot units have been organized, in as many counties in which a complex program of surveillance of streptococcal infections was applied, that had the following objectives: 1. Prevention and fight against acute streptococcal infection ; 2. Prevention of severe complications of acute rheumatic fever of rheumatic carditis and acute glomerulonephritis ; 3. Prevention of relapses of acute rheumatic fever. The establishment and verification of methods for clinical and laboratory diagnosis was followed, as well as of therapeutic techniques and dispensarization. The analysis of results obtained after the application for a period of 3 years of the program in high-risk collectivities, and in the conditions of an intensive circulation of some epidemic strains of streptococcus has shown the decrease each year of the incidence of scarlet fever, the increased efficiency of detection of acute non-eruptive (non-rash) streptococcal infections, as well as a significant decrease in the number of cases that developed a first attack of acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. A significant decrease was also obtained in the number of relapses and of severe evolution of rheumatic carditis, due to active detection, continuous evidence, prophylaxis and periodic control of cases with acute rheumatic fever.
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