Razvoj podeželja na območju predvidenega Krajinskega parka Dragonja: mnenje aktivnih prebivalcev // Rural development in the prospective Dragonja Landscape Park: a viewpoint from active inhabitants

V clanku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, izvedene v podeželskih naseljih na obmocju predvidenega Krajinskega parka Dragonja. Z analizo dokumentov, opazovanjem na delavnici in intervjuji desetih aktivnih prebivalcev smo pridobili podatke o obvescenosti in zanimanju za aktivno vkljucevanje v razvoj, o vrednotenju okolja in njegovih virov ter o željah in pricakovanjih glede sprememb ter kakovosti življenja. Ugotovili smo, da so vprasani dobro seznanjeni z razvojnimi programi in projekti, ki so se ali se se izvajajo, da se zavedajo pomena varovanja naravne in kulturne dediscine v trajnostnem razvoju ter da želijo aktivno sodelovati v prihodnje. S pomocjo sogovornikov, opazovanja in analize dokumentov pa smo spoznali tudi manj obetavno plat razvoja. Ugotovili smo, da je bila dinamika participacije prebivalcev v preteklosti sibka, da so sodelujoci v manjsini in so spremembe odvisne od prizadevanj posameznikov. Prebivalci v odmaknjenih naseljih na obmocju predvidenega Krajinskega parka Dragonja so malostevilni in vecinoma starejsi, mlajsi so sprijaznjeni z nemocjo. V prihodnje bo za aktivnejse sodelovanje v razvoju potrebnega vec ozavescanja, motiviranja ter izobraževanja, pomembno vlogo pa bodo imeli tudi priseljeni mlajsi prebivalci. The article presents the results of a research done in rural settlements located within the area of the prospective Dragonja Landscape Park. We analysed documents of local communities, undertook observation of a workshop, and interviewed ten local inhabitants in order to obtain information about local inhabitants’ awareness and their interest in being involved in rural development, and about their valuing of the environment and natural resources, and to gain insight into their expectations in the matters of quality of life. We have established that our respondents are entirely familiar with the past and current development programs and projects, that they are well aware of the importance the protection of natural and cultural heritage has for sustainable development, and that they want to participate actively in the future. With the help of our respondents, observation in the workshop, and analysis of the documents also the less promising aspects of development have been revealed. We found out that local participation was weak in the past, that those who were active are in the minority, and that changes depend on the collective efforts of individuals. Those living in the remote villages located in the area of the prospective Dragonja Landscape Park are few and mostly of advanced age. It seems that the younger ones have resigned themselves to being powerless, and therefore it is urgent, in order to foster their participation in local development, to increase their awareness and motivation and extend their education. We also can expect that the incoming young people will have an important role to play.
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