Состояние афферентных проводящих путей у больных при воздействии металлической ртути и локальной вибрации

The investigation on studying the state of the sensory component of the peripheral nerves (Electronneuromyographic examination) and the central afferent conducting ways (somatosensory induced potentials) in the patients with chronic mercury intoxication as well as in the patients with the vibration-induced diseases resulted from the local vibration exposure has been performed. The common regularities in the functional state of the structures considered (involvement into the pathological process of the sensory axons of the peripheral nerves and the disorders in the central conducting structures at the level of the shoulder plexus fibers, subcortical and cortical brain zones) have been revealed. The differences were found to consist in the more pronounced disorders in the conduction at the level of the peripheral structures, the back spinal cord horns as well as the more significant alterations in the stem, subcortical and cortical projections in the patients with the vibration-induced diseases.
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