Users Coexiste nce Game O ver Licensed and Unlicensed Bands

Dynamic Spectrum Access provide s novel solutions to improve spectral efficiency. Wireless S ervice P roviders (WSPs) are allowed to transmit data over their exclusive licensed band s and multiple available unlicensed bands . T he cri tical challenge is how to allocate power rationally to p revent se vere interference between coexist ent users . W e formulate the problem as a U sers C oexistence G ame ( U C G ) and verify that it possesses a t least one pure - strategy Nash E quilibrium (NE). WSPs play UCG s by a n asynchronous - move s trategy updating method . Each user determine s its own start time and updating period according to the interference . We prove that the method is sure to converge to a unique NE under linear conditions . Finally, s imulations are conducted to compare the asynchronous method with the rotational and simultaneous methods . The results show that the asynchronous method can adapt to the inter ference better and has a more excellent convergence performance .
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