Establishment of a Demonstration Site for HGV Distance Charging

Distance based charging for heavy goods vehicles (HGV) is set to be implemented in Sweden, probably as soon as 2010. In order to support this implementation a Demonstration Site will be set up in advance, with expected start 2006. A fully working HGV-service adapted to both national requirements and interoperability issues has to be developed and tested prior to the tax system becoming operational. The TANGO research projects, funded by the Swedish Road Administration, aim to establish a demonstration Site in southern Sweden. The Site will include part of the infrastructure that will be operated by the authorities. Cooperation with industry will allow for testing of in-vehicle equipment and communication. A draft system architecture has been developed, which will be tested and refined based on experiences from the test site. A fully functioning test site can also be used to, certify charging equipment as well as provide a demonstration facility for media and politicians.
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