Transporting present laboratory experiments on environmental comfort to Remote Access Laboratories

This article partially presents the learning action proposed by the Learning Content Group of the Laboratory e-labora. The objective of the learning action is to serve as concept proof of the distancelearning environment under development in the TIDIAAe project. The topic of Introduction to Environmental Comfort was selected as the main theme of the action proposed for undergraduate students of Architecture. The corresponding distance learning course developed for the action is concerned in introducing students to elementary notions on the topic through observation and experimentations associated to practice. In this context, two infrastructures of Remote Access Laboratories (RAL) were used: the RAL-SIROS for an experiment on built environment evaluation on accessibility and the RAL-REAL for an experiment on ventilation evaluation on scaled model. This article discusses the necessary interdisciplinary effort for the mapping of present laboratory experiments to RALs. It is also presented the validation process of the proposed experiments and the corresponding implementation in RAL format.
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