Topical treatment for human papillomavirus-associated genital warts in humans with the novel tellurium immunomodulator AS101: assessment of its safety and efficacy.

Summary Background  Various methods are currently used for the treatment of anogenital warts. However, a complete cure is unlikely, and the rate of recurrence is high. Objectives  The purpose of this open-label, multicentre trial was to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of a new treatment using the immunomodulator ammonium trichloro (dioxoethylene-O,O’) tellurate (AS101; Biomas Ltd, Kefar Saba, Israel) 15% w/w cream to clear vulval/perianal condylomata acuminata. Methods  Study participants comprised 48 women and 26 men, age range 18–62 years. Of the 48 woman, 44 were diagnosed with vulval condylomata and four with perianal condylomata. All 26 men were diagnosed with perianal condylomata. All the patients in the study received AS101 15% w/w cream twice a day. Maximal treatment duration was 16 weeks. To evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy, patients were examined and lesional areas photographed on a biweekly basis. Results  By the end of the treatment, 56 of 74 (76%) patients were considered completely cleared. Complete cure was achieved in 35 of 44 (80%) patients with vulval condylomata and in 21 of 30 (70%) patients with perianal condylomata. No scarring of treated areas was observed. Complete cure was achieved within a time range of 10–109 days. The most frequent side-effects observed were mild-to-moderate itching, soreness, burning and erythema. In post-treatment follow up of up to 6 months, disease recurrence was observed in two patients (4%), at 105 and 144 days following completion of treatment. Conclusions  AS101 15% w/w cream is an effective and safe, self-administered therapy used for the treatment of external vulval and perianal warts. The cream is applied topically twice daily for up to 16 weeks. A very low recurrence rate was reported.
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