New developments in the therapy of skin neoplasms

Development of personalized medicine Personalized Medicine is the result of systemic re- ersonalized Medicine is the result of systemic re- search and has just started. �e sequencing and mapping of the human genome provides a founda- tion for the evolution of gene expression and pro- tein function and the identication of the biochem- ical pathways implicated in the natural history of cancer. �is knowledge will consequently oer op- portunities for a more eective treatment and im- proved patient management. Fixed somatic muta- tions can be used to infer linage relationships between cells, large scale chromosomal aberration have been widely studied in cancers for decades. Until very recently, the ability to systematically enu- merate single nuclear type mutations within tu- mours was limited. However, the advent of next gen- eration sequencing devices has dramatically re- duced the cost and increased the scale of genome sequencing. Oncogene directed therapy
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