Dilemmas of the European Defence Union

The article explores the newest trends in Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union as one of the most dynamic fields of е uropean integration. In the EU the discourse on the strategic autonomy and strategic culture develops rapidly against the backdrop of Brex-it and transformation of relationship with the US. The history of European integration repeatedly poses a question whether the EU is capable of becoming an independent subject of international relations with its own politico-military potential based on the principle of strategic autonomy. The author examines dilemmas of the European defence union (EDU), with PESCO in its core, the key role of France and Germany in its promotion and development. Among the main issues scrutinized are recent events in the sphere of common defence policy, attitudes to the idea of the European army, dialectics of CSDP and NATO. A conclusion is drawn that in the near future the leading priority for EDU will consist in deepening integration among EU member states’ military-industrial complexes, strengthening their competitiveness versus the USA. The author holds that the politico-military potential of the EU is an objective requirement for the organisation with global economic interests and that it will receive further stimulus as a result of Brexit. The interests of security of the EU and non-Western centres of power will be better served if this potential transforms into effective EDU rather than be incorporated into the European pillar of NATO. The opposite development, including building up of “defence Schengen”, incorporation of the Alliance’s european members in the military planning, directed against Russia, dilution of neutrality of several member states of the EU will lead to further corrosion of european security and global stability.
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