Giris: Boyun agrisi sik rastlanilan omurga sikayetidir ve son donemlerde manuel terapi tedavide siklikla kulanilmaktadir. Amac: Nonspesifik boyun agrili hastalarda servikal omurgaya uygulanan manuel terapinin mobilite, agri, basinc agri esigi ve dizabilite uzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Bireyler ve Yontem: 95 hasta basit rastgele yontemle uc gruba ayrildi. Grup 1’e servikal bolgeye geleneksel fizyoterapi yaklasimlari (Transkutanoz elektrik stimulasyonu ile birlikte sicak uygulama ve ev programi) uygulanirken, Grup 2’ye ek olarak servikal mobilizasyon ve Grup 3’e ise ek olarak plasebo mobilizasyon uygulandi. Uc haftalik tedavi programinda manuel ve placebo uygulamalar haftada iki gun, ayni sure ve pozisyonda gerceklestirildi. Tedavi oncesi ve sonrasinda, mobilite, agri, basinc agri esigi ve dizabilite; CROM Cihazi, Vizuel Analog Skala, J-tech dijital algometre cihazi ve Boyun Ozurluluk Sorgulama Anketi ile degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Grup 2’de, tum parametrelerde tedavi sonrasi istatistiksel olarak anlamli iyilesme olurken, bu iyilesme diger iki gruba kiyasla daha fazla idi (p<0,05). Istatistiksel olarak, mobilite ve agrinin bazi parametrelerindeki azalma, Grup 3'te Grup 1’e kiyasla daha fazla saptandi (p<0,05). Sonuc: Nonspesifik boyun agrili hastalarda servikal bolgeye uygulanan manuel terapi, mobilite, agri, basinc agri esigi ve dizabilite uzerinde daha belirgin ve anlamli bir etkiye sahiptir. ABSTRACT Introduction: Neck pain is one of the common spine problems and manual therapy has been used frequently in its treatment recently. Objectives: To determine the effect of manual therapy applied as joint mobilization to the cervical spine on mobility, pain, pressure pain threshold and disability in patients with nonspecific neck pain. Subjects and Methods: Ninety-five study subjects were randomly assigned to three groups by simple random method. Traditional physiotherapy approaches (Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation, hot pack, and home-based exercise program) were applied to the cervical region for Group 1, while both traditional physiotherapy approaches and cervical mobilization were applied for Group 2 and both traditional physiotherapy approaches and placebo joint mobilization were applied for Group 3. In the three-week treatment program, manual and placebo applications were executed two days in a week, for the same duration and position. Before and at the end of the treatment program, mobility, pain, pressure pain threshold and disability were evaluated with CROM device, Visual Analogue Scale, J-tech digital algometer device and Neck Disability Index. Results: While there was a statistically significant improvement after treatment in Group 2 in all parameters, this improvement was greater than the other two groups (p <0.05). The decrease in some parameters of mobility and pain was found more in Group 3 compared to Group 1, statistically (p <0.05). Conclusion: Manual therapy has a more pronounced and significant effect on mobility, pain, pressure pain threshold, and disability in patients with nonspecific neck pain. Key Words: Manuel therapy, mobility, pressure pain threshold, function.
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