Brain-specific Phgdh Deletion Reveals a Pivotal Role for l-Serine Biosynthesis in Controlling the Level of d-Serine, an N-methyl-d-aspartate Receptor Co-agonist, in Adult Brain

In mammalian brain, d-serine is synthesized from l-serine by serine racemase, and it functions as an obligatory co-agonist at the glycine modulatory site of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-selective glutamate receptors. Although diminution in d-serine level has been implicated in NMDA receptor hypofunction, which is thought to occur in schizophrenia, the source of the precursor l-serine and its role in d-serine metabolism in adult brain have yet to be determined. We investigated whether l-serine synthesized in brain via the phosphorylated pathway is essential for d-serine synthesis by generating mice with a conditional deletion of d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (Phgdh; EC This enzyme catalyzes the first step in l-serine synthesis via the phosphorylated pathway. HPLC analysis of serine enantiomers demonstrated that both l- and d-serine levels were markedly decreased in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of conditional knock-out mice, whereas the serine deficiency did not alter protein expression levels of serine racemase and NMDA receptor subunits in these regions. The present study provides definitive proof that l-serine-synthesized endogenously via the phosphorylated pathway is a key rate-limiting factor for maintaining steady-state levels of d-serine in adult brain. Furthermore, NMDA-evoked transcription of Arc, an immediate early gene, was diminished in the hippocampus of conditional knock-out mice. Thus, this study demonstrates that in mature neuronal circuits l-serine availability determines the rate of d-serine synthesis in the forebrain and controls NMDA receptor function at least in the hippocampus.
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