Un châle cérémoniel du Bengale (Inde)

In 2003 the Musee du quai Branly acquired a 19th century Indian ceremonial shawl. Woven in Bengal, it bears the signature of the weaver in the workshop where it was made; this signature's existence was known, and the restoration rendered it visible. Its decoration consists of an nvocation to the Hindu god Ram, repeated in the insets of the central field, and the devotional context of this shawl. Extremely fragile, it had suffered from earlier interventions which had caused tensions and lacunae. After removing the repairs and putting the shawl back into shape, it was consolidated on a new support, maintained by more discreet stitches with silk thread. In order to avoid deterioration in the fragile zones and to meet display requirements, stitches were made preventively in some less fragile zones. The restoration thus allows this shawl, remarkable for its size, cultural role and refined decoration, to be displayed.
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