Influence of Amplification on the Discrimination of Dichotic Consonant-Vowel Syllables in a Population with Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This study was designed to investigate the premise that the long-term use of monaural amplification influences dichotic listening conditions in a population with sensorineural hearing losses. 30 subjects with moderate, bilateral sensorineural hearing losses and 10 normally-hearing adults were chosen for this study. 20 of the subjects with sensorineural hearing loss had worn amplification successfully for at least 1 year prior to testing. 10 of these subjects had worn amplification only on the right ear while the remaining 10 had worn amplification only on the left ear. All subjects received 60 monaural and dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) nonsense syllables presented at equal loudness levels using the most comfortable level (MCL) as the loudness criteria. While monaural scores revealed nonsignificant differences between ears for all subjects, using percentage of error, dichotic results produced a right-ear advantage for the right-ear-aided, unaided and normally-hearing subjects. A significant left-ear advant...
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