Exciton-Polaritons in a Cylindrical Microcavity with an Embedded 2D Semiconductor Layer

In this paper, exciton-polariton modes formed by the interaction between excitons in a 2D layer of a transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor embedded in a cylindrical microcavity and the cavity photons are studied and discussed. Classical electrodynamics provides dispersion relations for the polariton modes, while the quantum-mechanical treatment of a simplified model yields the Hopfield coefficients, measuring the degree of exciton-photon mixing in the coupled modes. The density of states (DOS) and its projection onto the photonic subspace are calculated taking monolayer MoS 2 embedded in a silica cylinder as an example. The calculated results demonstrate a strong enhancement of the local DOS and spontaneous emission rate of a quantum emitter placed in the microcavity (Purcell effect), caused by the presence of the 2D semiconductor layer.
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