Karakteristik Mutu dan Ketahanan Simpan Bunga Potong Sedap Malam di Sentra Produksi

Sampai saat ini mutu bunga sedap malam (Polianthes tuberose L.) yang diproduksi oleh petani kecil belum dapat memenuhi mutu sesuai kebutuhan pasar. Penurunan mutu bunga sedap malam diduga berkaitan dengan kurangnya keseragaman diameter tangkai bunga, bentuk tangkai bunga, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakteristik mutu bunga potong sedap malam komersial di sentra-sentra produksi. Mutu bunga sedap malam sangat ditentukan oleh ukuran tangkai bunga dan kesegaran bunga. Penelitian dilakukan sejak bulan Juli 2006 sampai  dengan Februari 2007. Sampel bunga potong sedap malam dipanen dari daerah Cianjur (Jawa Barat), Bandungan (Jawa Tengah), dan Pasuruan (Jawa Timur) masing-masing sebanyak 100 tangkai untuk diamati karakteristik fisiknya, yaitu panjang tangkai bunga, diameter bunga, panjang bunga, warna, dan kesegaran bunga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bunga potong sedap malam dari daerah Jawa Timur adalah tipe bunga tunggal dengan jumlah bunga per malai 49,1 ± 8,2, stadia kemekaran bunga 1,6±0,5, dan diameter tangkai bunga 10,8±1,5 cm. Aroma bunga sangat tajam, dengan penampilan lebih ramping dibanding bunga potong sedap malam asal Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah. Informasi mengenai mutu bunga potong sedap malam  sangat bermanfaat bagi pedagang atau eksportir untuk mendapatkan produk yang diinginkan pasar atau konsumen. Quality of tuberose cut flowers which are produced by small farmers until now has not enough to fulfil market demand. The decrease of tuberose cut flower quality is believed to be related to unavailability of stalk diameter and other flower characteristics. The aim of the study was to determine quality characteristics of fresh tuberose cut flowers harvested from  farmer field  in production centers. Tuberose cut flowers quality is mainly affected by the flowers size and freshness. The research was conducted from July 2006 to February 2007. Tuberose cut flower were freshly harvested at farmer  field in Cianjur (West Java), Bandungan (Central Java), and Pasuruan (East Java), 100 samples collected from each district. The cut flower samples were observed and evaluated for physical appearance i.e. length of flower stalk, diameter, color, and freshness. The results showed that the tuberose cut flower from East Java was a single type with flower number 49.1 ± 8.2, the number of opening flower 1.6 ± 0.5, stem diameter 10.8 ± 1.5 cm. The aroma of the flowers was very keen compared to slimmer appearance of delicate tuberose cut flowers from West Java and Central Java. The information of tuberose cut flowers characteristics will benefit to saler or exporters to obtain the product that demanded by market and consumers.
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