Characteristics of the nonelderly with selected sources of health insurance and lengths of uninsured spells.

This Issue Brief examines the characteristics of individuals with selected sources of coverage and combinations of sources of coverage over a 12-month period. In addition, it examines the characteristics of individuals who experience spells without health insurance and the lengths of these spells. It uses the most recent 12-month period from the Survey of Income and Program Participation and builds on previous research on the lengths of spells with and without health insurance. Analysis of individuals' health insurance coverage from October 1994 to September 1995 showed that approximately 77.6 percent of the nonelderly had health insurance coverage during this entire period. In addition, 22.4 percent of the nonelderly were uninsured for at least one month during this period, and 7.4 percent of the nonelderly were uninsured for the entire period. Of those with health insurance coverage for the entire year, approximately 83 percent were covered by private health insurance, with at least 81 percent of this group receiving the coverage from employment-based sources. Eighty-five percent of the spells without health insurance with an observed beginning and end lasted for 4 months or less, and 99 percent lasted for 8 months or less. When examining the spells with either an observed beginning or end, 55 percent of these spells were found to last for 4 months or less, and 87 percent were found to last for 8 months or less. However, investigation of all spells without health insurance showed that approximately one-half of all spells without health insurance coverage lasted for 8 months or longer. This report found that two-thirds of spells without health insurance last for less than one year, confirming previous research that a majority of these spells are for less than a year. However, this report also confirms the existence of a significant number--approximately one-third of all individuals with a spell of noncoverage--of chronically uninsured individuals. These individuals are the most likely to delay seeking treatment for illnesses and to use the emergency room as their only site of care. Because they are in poverty or near poverty, much of this care is uncompensated. Thus, to the extent that providers can shift these costs onto other payers, all individuals and employers share in these costs through higher health insurance premiums or higher taxes to finance public hospitals and public insurance programs. Recent major health insurance legislation has addressed access to health insurance, and in many cases focused solely on continued access to employment-based coverage, but has done very little to address the affordability of coverage. However, as this report demonstrates, many individuals experiencing spells without health insurance have low incomes. Thus, to obtain coverage, individuals need not only increased access to health insurance but also the ability to afford this health insurance.
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