Location of community pharmacies and prevalence of oral conditions in the Western Cape Province

Community pharmacists are approached regularly for oral health advice; most commonly for ulcers which could be indicative of oral cancer, HIV, and various systemic diseases. Community pharmacists should know how to manage these conditions yet they have very limited training to manage these conditions appropriately. The area location and socioeconomic status (SES) of the pharmacy should be considered as it may influence patient management. A study of this nature has not yet been conducted in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. To determine the prevalence and frequency of oral complaints at community pharmacies and if these parameters differ by metropolitan location and SES. A cross-sectional survey of 162 randomly-selected private sector pharmacies was conducted. The sample ( n = 121) was stratified by SES and metropolitan location. An open-ended structured questionnaire was faxed to pharmacists. A telephonic interview was conducted a day later. Community pharmacists were asked about the frequency and type of oral health problems they encountered. Most pharmacists (91%) dealt with oral health problems frequently, most commonly for ulcers (55.8%), thrush (49.2%), and toothache (33.3%). The results did not differ by metropolitan location and SES (Chi-squared, Fisher’s Exact, p > 0.05), with the exception of toothache and mouth sores. Community pharmacists are an important part of an interdisciplinary team, and play a definite role in the early detection of oral health conditions, namely, caries, HIV and oral cancer. Training on common oral health conditions should be included in undergraduate pharmacy curricula and continuous professional development courses. Gemeenskapsaptekers word gereeld genader vir advies rakende mondgesondheid, hoofsaaklik mondsere wat ’n aanduiding kan wees van mondkanker, MIV en verskeie sistemiese siektes. Gemeenskapsaptekers moet weet hoe om hierdie kwessies te hanteer. Die ligging van die area en die sosio-ekonomiese status (SES) van die apteek moet in ag geneem word aangesien dit ’n invloed mag he op die hantering van die pasient. ’n Studie van hierdie aard is nog nie in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika onderneem nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die voorkoms en herhaling van klagtes oor mondsiektes by gemeenskapsapteke te bepaal en of hierdie parameters verskil na gelang van metropolitaanse ligging en SES. ’n Deursnee-opname van 162 ewekansig geselekteerde privaat sektor-apteke is onderneem. Die steekproef ( n = 121) is gestratifiseer ten opsigte van SES en metropolitaanse ligging. ’n Oopeinde gestruktureerde vraelys is aan apteke gefaks. ’n Telefoniese onderhoud is ’n dag later gevoer. Gemeenskapsaptekers is gevra na die herhaling van en die tipe mondgesondheidsprobleme wat hulle teegekom het. Die meeste aptekers (91%) het dikwels met mondprobleme te doen gekry, meestal mondsere (55.8%), mondsproei (49.2%) en tandpyn (33.3%). Die bevindinge het nie verskil na gelang van metropolitaanse ligging en SES (Chi-kwadraat, Fisher se eksakte toets, p > 0.05) nie, met die uitsondering van tandpyn en mondsere. Gemeenskapsaptekers vorm ’n belangrike deel van ’n interdissiplinere span, en speel ’n definitiewe rol in die vroee opsporing van mondgesondheidstoestande, naamlik tandverrotting, MIV en mondkanker. Opleiding in algemene mondgesondheidstoestande behoort deel te vorm van voorgraadse aptekerskurrikulums en voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingskursusse.
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