Mladinski turizem in potovalne navade študentov – primer Univerze na Primorskem // Youth tourism and travel habits of students – the case of the University of Primorska

Prispevek obravnava problematiko mladinskega turizma, s katerim je po ocenah ekonomistov letno povezana petina vseh opravljenih turisticnih potovanj na globalni ravni. V prvem delu clanka je opredeljen segment mladinskega turizma, nato pa je podan pregled poglavitnih studij, ki obravnavajo turisticno mobilnost slovenskih studentov. Slednjo sta avtorja preucevala na primeru studentov Univerze na Primorskem. Predstavljeni izsledki se nanasajo na potovalne navade studentov, med katerimi so izpostavljena zlasti obmocja turisticnega obiska, trajanje in pogostost potovanj ter organizacijski in financni vidiki potovanja. The article deals with the issue of youth tourism, a phenomenon which according to the economists yearly generates one fifth of all tourism flows globally. The authors first present the concepts and scope of youth tourism and provide an overview of major studies addressing the tourist mobility of the Slovenian student population. The second part of the article summarizes the main findings of empirical research, conducted among the students of University of Primorska. The presented results refer to the travel habits of students, among which the main areas of tourist visits, duration and frequency of travel as well as organizational and financial aspects of the travel are exposed.
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