Role of Essential Plant Nutrients: A Way to Teach Farmers

After soybean and oil palm, rapeseed - mustard are the world's third most important edible oilseed crops. It is a member of the Brassicaceae family (Cruciferae). The percentage of oil fluctuates between 37 to 49 percent. The seed and oil are used as a seasoning in pickles, curries, vegetables, hair oils, medications, and grease manufacturing. By the year (2013-16), India has the highest average output of 1161 kg/ha against the world average 2144 kg/ha among the major rapeseed- mustard producing countries, and highest production (3640 kg/ha) by Europeon Union. Quality seed, fertilizer and irrigation facilities are the crop's biggest drawbacks. More than 80% of the land in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat is covered in mustard and need proper soil health management, particularly nutrient management, may increase mustard crop output.
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