Results of Experimental Studies of Pneumatic Threshing of Ears with Subsequent Separation of Fractions

At present, the problem is a significant injury to the grain during the threshing process. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a low-traumatic method of separating grain from the ear, excluding the impact on it. It is proposed to use the action of a jet of air on the ear, leading to its rolling over the deck of the threshing device and causing abrasion, resulting in the release of grains. The aim of the research is to study the process of pneumatic threshing of ears and to assess the influence of its parameters on the isolation and injury of grain, as well as on its separation. There was used a pneumatic threshing device, in which threshing is carried out with the interaction of the ear and the deck, carried out under the alternating action of high and low air pressure created by the rotor blades. The pneumatic threshing method ensures less trauma to the grains. The proportion of grains with damage to the endosperm in the pneumatic threshing method is 10–12%, and the proportion of grains with damage to the embryo is 5% less than in the traditional method. The reduction of injury is achieved by the fact that the grains are not exposed to the impact of the working bodies. The rational range of the linear speed of the rotor blades of the threshing device, which provides minimal injury to the grains, is 13.5–15 m/s. As a result of pneumatic threshing, the ears are effectively separated into fractions of whole grain and a light non-grain part, which can be used as feed. The use of the pneumatic threshing method will reduce the injury to grain of spike crops, which will increase the yield of high-quality seeds.
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