Skäran i bäcken - En lösfyndsstudie om möjliga senneolitiska offerynd på ön Hven

This paper examines the possibility of identifying votive offerings among a collection of stray finds in a Late neolithic material from one farm land on the island Hven.First, I identify the Late neolithic artefacts in a collection of stray finds and make a register as well as take photographes of the artefacts. Then I compare these stray finds with material from hoards found in Scania to analyz if any similarities arise regarding length, fragmentation and patina. Additionally, I use maps to identify wetlands and a field survey to help identify and discover important areas connected to votive offerings. There is a strong possibility that the stray finds collection contains some votive offerings because similarities can be found between the lengths of the stray finds and the materials from the hoards.
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