Production method and adhesive film for a semiconductor used in this method for producing the adhesive film-attached semiconductor chips, as well as a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device

Production method of the adhesive film-attached semiconductor chips of the present invention, a semiconductor wafer, an adhesive film for a semiconductor and a dicing tape are laminated in this order, the adhesive film for a semiconductor has a thickness ranging to have and less than 5% of 1~15μm tensile the tensile elongation at break has an elongation at break is less than 110% of the elongation at maximum load, break for dividing the semiconductor wafer the semiconductor wafer is formed by irradiation of laser light into a plurality of semiconductor chips a step of preparing a laminate having a quality part, a step of dividing a dicing tape semiconductor wafer into multiple semiconductor chips without the adhesive film for a semiconductor is not divided by stretching in the direction in which a plurality of semiconductor chips are separated apart, a plurality of adhesive film with dividing the adhesive film for a semiconductor by picking up the semiconductor chip in the stacking direction of the respective laminate And a step of obtaining a conductor chips.
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