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Social Justice in These Times

Part I: The Philosophy, Theory & Praxis of Social Justice. Introduction, James O'Donnell, Rudolfo Chavez Chavez and Marc Pruyn. The Role of Participatory Democracy in the Critical Praxis of Social Justice, Myriam Torres. Those Who Dare, Teach: Living a Pedagogy for Social Justice, Roberto Bahruth. Part II: Instantiating Social Justice: Engaging within Cultural, Pedagogical & Political Contexts. Schooling for a Democratic Society: Critical Pedagogy in the Democratic Classroom, Jim O'Donnell. Confronting Difference: Progressive Politics and Sites of Resistance, Deborah McGriff, Margaret Zamudio, Catherine Connolly and Francisco Rios. Critical Performative Pedagogy: A Feasible Praxis for Teacher Education, Ruth Harman and Kristen French. Social Justice: A Forgotten Issue in the Education of Teachers in Mexico, Luis Huerta-Charles. Teaching for Social Justice: Reflections of a Cultural Worker, YiShan Lea. Part III: Empire & Social Justice: Neo-Liberalism, Bush & "No Child Left Behind." No Child Left Behind: The Rise of Educational Markets and the Decline of Social Justice, David Hursh. Communal Truth and the Literacy Landscape: Echoings of Perspectives, Positions and Practices, Kyle Shanton. Social Justice in Times of McCarthyism Renaissance: Surveillance, Ethics, and Neo-Liberalism, Cesar Augusto Rossatto. Protest and Activism: Standing-up for Peace and Civil Liberties in New Mexico Under Homeland Security and The U.S.A. Patriot Acts, David Boje. Neo-Liberal Citizenship, The New Imperialism and Federal Education Policy: A Critical Analysis, Peter McLaren and Nathalia Jaramillo.
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