The sauces of the fruits and vegetable have an important value in human nutrition. They occupy a significant proportion in the assortment of dishes in restaurants. The existing range of food products based on fruits and vegetables is quite extensive, but does not cover all issues related to the development of dishes without the use of structurifiers, flavor enhancers, spreaders, etc. The calculation of the complex indicator of the food product makes it possible to more fully assess the quality of the finished product. The using of methods of qualimetry for comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of sauces. The subject of research. The sauces of the fruits and vegetables, raw materials and their indicators of the quality. The standard methods were used to explore the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of semi-finished and finished products. The qualimetry method was used to analyze the indicators of quality. The main groups of indicators were highlighted which determined the quality of sauces. A complex indicator have been calculated and an algorithm for determining it has been established. On the basis of the developed scale of estimation, taking into account the weighting factors, an organoleptic evaluation of the sauces “Nasoloda” was carried out. It is shown that the total quality of the developed sauces on a scale is 96 ... 97 %, depending on the type. The model of the quality of sauces of the fruits and vegetables has been built as the result of the calculation. The complex indicator of the quality of the sauces of fruits and vegetables is confirmed their high quality. The researched products can be recommended to introduction for cooking in specialized shops and restaurants. Keywords: sauce, fruits, vegetables, quality, integrated indicator, Harrington function, quality model. REFERENCES 1. Kondratjuk, N., Stepanova, T., Pyvovarov, P., Pyvovarov, Ye. (2015). Modelling of low calorie pectin-based product composition. Ukrainian Food Journal, Vol. 4, 1, 22–36. 2. Topolnik, V. G. (2007). Upravlinnya yakistyu produktsiyi restorannogo gospodarstva. Donetsk: DonDUET, 174. 3. Mardar, M. R., Valevska, L. O. (2010). Kompleksna tovaroznavcha otsinka yakosti novih vidiv ekstrudovanih zernovih produktiv pidvischenoyi harchovoyi tsinnosti. Zernovi produkti i kombikormi, № 1, 19–22. 4. Topolnik, V. G., Ratushnyiy, A.S. (2008). Kvalimetriya v restorannom hozyaystve: monografiya. Donetsk : DonNUET, 243. 5. Pyshcheviy dobavky – vlyianye na zdorove, obshchaia ynformatsyia. (2017). Available: . 6. Levchenko, Yu. V. (2017). Rozrobka tehnologsyi solodkih soussv z vikoristannyam henomelesu : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. tehn. nauk : spets. 05.18.16 “TehnologIya harchovoyi produktsiyi”. Odesa, 20. 7. Harrington, E. C. (1965). The desirable function. Industrial Quality control, 21, Vol. 10, 124–131. 8. Levchenko, Yu. V. (2017). Rozrobka tekhnolohii solodkykh sousiv z vykorystanniam khenomelesu : dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. tehn. nauk : spets. 05.18. 16 “TehnologIya harchovoyi produktsiyi”. Odesa, 232. 9. Homich, G. P., Levchenko, Yu.V. (2016). Vpliv tehnologichnih vlastivostey sirovini na vihidni parametri fruktovogo sousu. Turistichniy, gotelniy i restoranniy biznes: Innovatsiyi ta trendi. Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. Kiev : Kiev. nats. torg.-ekon. un-t, 297–298. 10. Khomych, G., Levchenko, Y., Horobetc, A., Boroday, A. (2016). The study of biologically active substances of chaenomelesand the products of its processing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (11), 29–36. 11. Khomych, H. P., Levchenko, Yu. V. Kompozytsiia inhrediientiv dlia pryhotuvannia fruktovoho sousu “Nasoloda”: pat. 105108 Ua: MPK A23L 21/12A23L 29/206 A23L 23/00 /; u 201507094; zaiavl. 16.07.2015; opubl. 10.03.2016, Bul. № 5. Published:   2019-04-02
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