Taxanes convert regions of perturbed microtubule growth into rescue sites

Microtubules are polymers of tubulin dimers, and conformational transitions in the microtubule lattice drive microtubule dynamic instability and affect various aspects of microtubule function. The exact nature of these transitions and their modulation by anticancer drugs such as Taxol and epothilone, which can stabilize microtubules but also perturb their growth, are poorly understood. Here, we directly visualize the action of fluorescent Taxol and epothilone derivatives and show that microtubules can transition to a state that triggers cooperative drug binding to form regions with altered lattice conformation. Such regions emerge at growing microtubule ends that are in a pre-catastrophe state, and inhibit microtubule growth and shortening. Electron microscopy and in vitro dynamics data indicate that taxane accumulation zones represent incomplete tubes that can persist, incorporate tubulin dimers and repeatedly induce microtubule rescues. Thus, taxanes modulate the material properties of microtubules by converting destabilized growing microtubule ends into regions resistant to depolymerization. Anticancer drugs such as Taxol can affect microtubule dynamics and organization in cells. Direct visualization of the action of such drugs has shown that they can trigger local and cooperative changes in microtubule lattice and induce formation of stable microtubule regions that promote rescues.
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