Heparin Cofactor II, Antithrombin and Protein C in Plasma from Term and Preterm Infants

. The coagulation inhibitors heparin cofactor II (HCII), antithrombin (AT) and protein C (PC) were measured in healthy term and preterm infants in order to establish reference standards. The mean value for HCII in term infants was found to be about half of the adult values. Values below 25% in healthy infants may suggest hereditary deficiency states. One girl with congenital HC II deficiency was detected. Mean AT and PC levels were somewhat higher than HC II. Healthy preterm infants have significantly lower HC II and AT values than healthy term infants. Serial AT measurements have been used in monitoring seriously ill infants and used as a prognostic indicator. In a small number of unhealthy neonates HC II was reduced to an even greater extent than AT, and on recovery normalized more rapidly than AT.
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