Влияние численности пометов у крыс на показатели развития мозга, гонад и надпочечников

We have studied 40 days old posterity of the following groups: the 1st naturally numerous litters, the 2nt scanty litters, the 3rd little litters with artificially decreased quantity, the 4th artificially increased quantity. It was found out that the males in group 1 and 4 were characterized by less testosterone concentration in blood, females were characterized by higher estradiol concentration than in 2nd and 3rd group. Animals from natural litters of various quantities (1 and 2 group) were different in cytoplasm, nucleoli sizes, NADPH-dehydrogenase and NADH-dehydrogenase activity in neurons of neocortex and hippocamp and RNA concentration in cytoplasm of hippocamp neurons. All these parameters were larger in neurons of infant rats' neocortex from scanty litters. Animals of 1-st group differed from those of 2-nd group in the behavior indices in elevated cross-shaped labyrinth. Special keeping conditions influenced on the above indices in rats of 4th group, they had smaller body, brain, hemisphere gonads, adrenals weight and reduced thickness of cortex in true parietal lobe, size of nucleoli, nucleus and cytoplasm in neocortex and hippocamp and peculiarities behavior.
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