An integrative multi‐scale approach to regional agriculture to support the assessment and benefit of pest‐regulation services delivered by biodiversity

Ecology is first of all a scientific discipline, with its body of theories and methods, and a constant renewal of its main specific fields and principles. In that regard, Ecology is not different from the other scientific disciplines and produces an increasing number of outstanding publications on both fundamental and applied grounds. Ecology can produce highly theoretical works, which is essential, but Ecology can be -and even moremust be an applied science. Currently, practical applications of Ecology for the benefits of our societies have become more numerous and increasingly urgent. ‘Interactions’, sensu lato, are at the very heart of Ecology which makes it by definition THE science of Biodiversity. Beyond the knowledge of how Life has appeared and developed, Ecology can provide the basis for the preservation of Biodiversity and ensure its management is relevant and efficient into the future. By being more integrative and global, Ecology could establish itself as the cornerstone of sustainable development. In this beginning of the 21st century, the influence of Ecology will inevitably grow and play a key role for Planet Earth and human well-being. Sfecologie2016, an International Conference on ecological sciences would not have taken place without 2 years of hard work from the staff of my Institute (IMBE). That is thus with a real pleasure that we welcome you today in Marseille. (Thierry TATONI IMBE Director)
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