Fitobezoar Associado à Endometriose Intestinal: Uma Rara Causa de Obstrução Intestinal Intestinal Endemetriosis Associated to Phytobezoar: A Rare of Bowel Obstruction

ABSTRACT: Intestinal endometriosis is a benign pathology, it occurs most often on the rectosigmoid portion, and the findingisn‘t very common on the terminal ileum. On this article the autors present a report from a 29 years old pacient, who had a difuseabdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Computadorized tomography (CT) showed a heterogeneous mass on the ileocaecal area .An exploratory laparotomy was performed , badly metabolized vegetable fibers were removed from the terminal ileum, and asurgical removal of the ileocaecal –colic portion was done, since there was a stenosis on that area. The anatomical-pathologicstudy showed intestinal endometriosis and phytobezoar The patient had a good follow up and got out the hospital on the third dayafter surgery.Key words: Intestinal obstruction. Endometriosis, Bezoars, Treatment. REFERENCIAS 1. Beltran MA, Tapia F, Araos F, Martinez H, Cruces KS. Ilealendometriosis as a cause of intestinal obstruction. Report oftwo cases. Rev Med Chile 2006; 134: 485-4902. De Ceglie A, Bilardi C, Blanchi S, Picasso M, Di Muzio M,Trimarchi A, Conio M. Acute small bowel obstruction causedby endometriosis: A case report and review of the literature.World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14(21) : 3430-34343. Andrus CH, Ponsky JL. Bezoars: classification,pathophysiology,and treatment. Am J Gastroenterol. 1988;83(5):476-84. Rubin M, Shimonov M, Grief F, Rotestein Z, Lelcuk S.Phytobezoar: a rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Dig Surg.1998; 15(1): 52-45. Podgaec S, Goncalves MO, Klajner S, Abrao MS. Epigastricpain relating to menses can be a symptom of bowelendometriosis. Sao Paulo Med. J. vol.126 no.4 SaoPaulo July 20086. Preziosi G, Cristaldi M, Angelini L. Intestinal obstructionsecondary to endometriosis: A rare case of synchronous bowellocalization . Surg Oncol. 2007; 16, Suppl 1: S161-37. Schoef fl V, Varatorn R, Blinnikov O, Vidamaly V. Intestinalobstruction due to phytobezoars of banana seeds: a case report.Asian J Surg;27(4):348-51, 2004 Oct.8. Pitiakoudis M; Koukourakis M; Giatromanolaki A; TsarouchaAK; Polychronidis A; Simopoulos C. Phytobezoars as a cau-se of small bowel obstruction associated with a carcinoid tu-mor of the ileocecal area. Acta Chir Iugosl;50(2):131-3, 2003.Endereco para correspondencia:CARLOS ROBERTO AMORIMRua Benedita Alves Funchal, 81 Apto 304Bairro Jd Guanabara,Pouso Alegre, MGCEP 37.550.000Tel.: (35) 9984-6091 / (35) 3421-9380E-mail:
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