WATER QUALITY AND PROTECTION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Migration of Dissolved Matter at Serebryanka R. Mouth, the Basin of the Sea of Japan (Sikhote Alin Reserve)

Ions of major salt composition and dissolved forms of some microelements (F, B, Sr, Rb, Cs, V, As, Mo, U) at the mouth of the Serebryanka R. (Sikhote Alin Reserve) are shown to feature conservative behavior in July 2009. The distribution of dissolved mineral phosphorus is shown to be controlled mostly by chemical processes (desorption from river suspension), even during vegetation period, while the role of bio� logical consumption is secondary. The behavior of dissolved organic phosphorus and silicon is nearly conser� vative. A considerable amount of barium (up to 46% of its concentration in river water) is shown to be removed from solution, maybe because of its sorption on particulate matter of continental runoff. Ittrium and rareearth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Dy, Ho) show an abrupt decrease in the concentrations of their dissolved forms at the initial stages of river water penetration into the sea. This decrease is supposedly due to coagula� tion and flocculation of organic and organic-mineral colloids.
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