Effects of positive electrical feedback in the oscillating Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction: Experiments and simulations

Abstract This paper describes both the experimental and numerical investigations on the effect of positive electrical feedback in the oscillating Belovsou–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction under batch conditions. Positive electrical feedback causes an increase in the amplitude and period of the oscillations with the corresponding increase of the feedback strength. Oregonator model with a positive feedback term suitably incorporated in one of the dynamical variables is used to account for these experimental observations. Further, the effect of positive feedback on the Hopf points are investigated numerically by constructing the bifurcation diagrams. In the absence of feedback, for a particular stoichiometric parameter, the model exhibits both supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations with canard existing near the former Hopf point. In the presence of positive feedback it is observed that (i) both the Hopf points advances, (ii) the distance between the two Hopf points decreases linearly, while the period increases exponentially with the increase of feedback strength near the Hopf points, (iii) only supercritical Hopf point without canard survives for a very strong positive feedback strength and (iv) moderate feedback strength takes the system away from limit cycle to the canard regime. These observations are explained in terms of Field–Koros–Noyes mechanism of the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction. This may be the first instance where the advancement of Hopf points due to positive feedback is clearly shown.
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