In the dietary intake of humans an important place is occupied by fruits containing such substances necessary for the body as vitamins, organic acids, trace elements, etc. Fruits are products that should be consumed throughout the year. Inconnectionwiththis, theproblemarisesofpreservingthefruitwithin 6-7 months. Existing methods of storage: conventional, regulated, modified atmosphere do not provide protection of apple fruits from physiological and fungal diseases. In addition to that they do not guarantee preservation of their initial quality at the stages of storage and sale. The main cause of the development of diseases and a decrease in the quality of the fruit is the excessive accumulation of ethylene inside the fruit and the environment. Based on source analysis it is obvious that significant proportion of fruit losses (up to 50%) during the storage period is due to their physiological disorders and diseases. From the total quantity of manufactured products no more than 60% of the fruits satisfy the requirements of the higher and the first class. The analysis showed that the most important factor of long-term fruit storage is the intensity level of their cellular respiration. This oxidative process of decomposition of organic substances is accompanied by creation of chemically active metabolites and liberation of energy tht is used by cages for the vital processes. The process of breathing in some sense is similiar to the burning process in both cases heat is released. In both processes, oxygen is added to the substrate, so breathing is a slowly flowing burning of nutrients in the living body. The solution to long-term preservation of fruit quality problem is the inhibition of the synthesis of ethylene with the help of chemical agents ("Phytomag" drug etc.), which inhibit the aging process. The main drawback of using chemicals is that they accumulate in the fruit. Modern technology of storing fruits in the gas environment is not always effective furthermore it’s expensive. Thus it forces development of new more affordable and less expensive storage technologies. Effective, inexpensive and affordable technology for storing fruits can be achieved by using information electromagnetic radiation to destroy physiological and fungal diseases and to inhibit the synthesis of ethylene. Analysis of the interaction of information EMF at the cellular level shows that electromagnetic information radiation should be perceived as a subtle instrument of almost unlimited influence on biological processes in a living organism. However the desired changes in the properties of biological objects can be obtained only with the optimal combination of biotropic parameters of the influencing EMF (radiation frequency, power flux density, exposure, etc.). At the same time an analysis of a large number of domestic and foreign studies shows that they lack theory for calculation of the numerical values of the biotropic EMF parameters for inhibition of the synthesis of ethylene. In addition to that insufficient research has been done on the development of electronic systems for measuring concentration ethylene, carbon dioxide and oxygen for prolonged storage of apple fruits. Thus research and development of information electromagnetic methods and electronic systems for monitoring the gas environment for long-term fruit storage is an urgent problem. It is possible to establish aspects of the effect of electromagnetic fields associated not with the power of the impact and the absorbed energy but with information encoded in the biotropic EMF parameters based on theoretical studies which are not available at this moment. Based on theoretical studies biotropic EMF parameters (frequency, power, exposure) of electro-magnetic field inside the cell were calculated which allow to cause the blocking of the respiration of apples. External space relative to the scatterer is assumed to be homogeneous. Measurement of the minimum amount of ethylene  and maximum is possible by usage of a multiplication factor Nуч=750, frequency of the crystal oscillator 100 MHz and its relative frequency instability 10-6…10-7. Asaresultoftheresearch, a resonator system was created for measuring the amount fethylenere leased by apple switch the following technical parameters: the nominal frequency of quartz generators is 100 MHz; the relative value of the average instability of frequency of quartz generators under normal conditions at a steady temperature does not exceed 10-7for10-3s; nominal frequency of resonators is 75 Hz; quality of resonators not less than 4870;measurement sensitivity10-6 by. In order to block the breathing of apples by electromagnetic radiation an installation was developed which includes: a diffraction radiation generator operating in the frequency range 33-37 GHz. Apples of the brand Golden were chosen for long-term storage in 2017-2018in the farm at the Kharkov region. During the production experiment apples were initially processed with electromagnetic radiation with parameters: frequency 75.8 GHz; power 650 mW; exposure 60s.Then these same apples were treated with electromagnetic radiation with parameters: frequency of 35 GHz; Power 1.2 W; Exposure 20 s.The use of combined radiation allowed to completely destroy microorganisms on the surface of apples and block their breath before depositing for storage. Experiment has shown that the combined effect of EM radiation on apples ensures their safety for 6 months in an environment with the temperature 200С under pressure of  1,01 х105 N/m2. During the process of apple storage it was found that the dielectric constant of the air mixture during this time (6 months) will change almost 10 times from 0.02% to 0.2%.Biochemical analysis showed that the processing of apples prior to laying for storage with electromagnetic radiation with calculated parameters does not change the quality of the fruit and does not affect their chemical composition.
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