The dynamics of innovation clusters : a study of the food industry

Innovation and new product design in the food sector: a new situation for the food industry - international competition, structural change, technological change, consumers changing habits from commodities to high value-added products - EU and innovation, attitudes among key executives, innovation and customer orientation in the primary production very little innovation in the food industry research question and the purpose of the study our approach the structure of the book. Product development and innovation: product development - why do so many companies fail? innovation three phases in the innovation process - fluid, transitional and specific radical innovation - character and origin product development and innovation - important differences how to create innovation dynamics. Strategic theory & innovation: from resource-based to knowledge based strategic theory - strategy as structured chaos, regeneration - the company as a DNA spiral, innovation strategies and development traps, the biological metaphor - the innovation grows, a new strategic management clusters & innovation - resources inside and outside the company - clusters, the role of government, clusters, companies and strategy, innovations in knowledge webs, evaluating clusters leadership & organization in innovation processes - individuals learn and create in an organizational context, creativity and innovation. Consumers & food innovation: health in focus high value-added products from a consumer perspective food and identity health and risk - consumers' views on health, healthy food and unhealthy food, not healthy food and not unhealthy food, out of control. The Oresund food cluster: research & development - unique resources in the cluster the Oresund food cluster in an international perspective - important European food clusters, USA - are regional research clusters dissolving? international functional food centres - benchmarking of best practices appendix - the Oresund food cluster resource & competence list. Innovation cases - ProViva, Oatly, Mona Carota: the ProViva case the Oatly case the Mona Carota case appendix - notes on methodology, the focus of the case studies, information gathering, a multi-disciplinary approach. The nature of innovation processes - results: the fluid phase - shared visions across organizational borders the transitional phase - changing focus the specific phase, fine-tuning and targeting - innovation traps in the specific phase, earlier investments, dominating ideas, organization, management & reward systems, the road to possibilities the dynamics of the innovation process - starting point matters, order matters, missing links matter, role models, re-interpretations - the ability to see something as something cluster leadership innovation and product development processes are different what is high value-added for the consumer - unique marketing aspects of high value-added food products. (Part contents).
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