Surveillance of health status in an agrarian environment: proposal for a method. 1. Epidemiological data

In order to evaluate the risk of the exposure of the pesticides and N-nitroso compounds in the agricultural environment not only farm-hands have to be considered but also their families. So it is necessary to prepare survey methodologies to examine the state of health of all individuals who are exposed to same kind of risk (pesticides and nitroso compounds), even if in different ways and intensity. We have therefore chosen four farms situated on the same territory which cultivate vegetables. Three, of these farms, made wide use of pesticides and fertilizers, the fourth one was used as a "control farm" because it did not employ any chemicals. For every farm data about the neighbouring territory, the climate, the kind of cultivation, the pesticides and other employed chemicals were collected. Every subject (in all 25) residing in the farm was interviewed with a standard questionnaire about personal data, the duties performed on the farm, the way in which chemicals were used, their medical history as well as the life style. Samples of blood were drawn periodically in different seasons, over a two year period, to determine both nitrosoamine (NA) and the enzymes which reveal hepatic damage: Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Leucinoaminopeptidase (LAP), Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and Acetylcholinesterase (Ach). We have observed that: a. the most frequent pathologies concern skin (16% of the people) and liver (12% of the people), which are favourite targets for agricultural chemicals though the serum enzymes did not show any important change; b. 8% of the subjects had acute pesticide poisoning; we therefore observed neither particular precautionary safety measures, nor a particular knowledge of acute and chronic toxic effects depending on the use of pesticides. So we suggest: 1) that the Sanitary Authorities control the state of health not only of the farm-hands but also of their families, if exposed to risk; this can be realized through the strict collaboration of the Occupational Physician and the Family doctor; 2) capillary action of health education regarding agricultural risks; 3) to increase research to find more sensitive and efficient biological indicators in order to evaluate the hazards of agricultural chemicals. Language: it
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