Hubungan status nutrisi penderita karsinoma nasofaring stadium lanjut dengan kejadian mukositis sesudah radioterapi

Background: Normal nutritional status is a balanced condition of nutritional intake and requirement in a person. Lack of nutrition in cancer patients promotes undesirable effects on various organs and systems of the body. Purpose: To determine the nutritional status differences in patients with advanced stage NPC type III WHO before and after radiotherapy, and the relationship between nutritional status with mucositis occurance after radiotherapy. Method: Observational analytic study. Sampling was conducted by non-random purposive sampling technique with 10 subjects with NPC. The statistical analysis used paired sample Wilcoxon test and Spearman correlation test. Result: The study found significant differences between nutritional state regarding BMI, LOLA and transferrin before and after radiotherapy with p 0,05). Uji korelasi hubungan antara BMI, LOLA, albumin, dan transferinsesudah radioterapi menunjukkan bahwa status nutrisi tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian mukositis sesudah radioterapi (BMI p=0,122, LOLA p=0,209, albumin p=0,902 dan transferin p=1,000 dengan p>0,05) Kesimpulan: Pemberian radioterapi pada penderita KNF stadium lanjut menyebabkan penurunan bermakna pada status nutrisi sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi, tetapi tidak berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kejadian mukositis sesudah radioterapi. Kata kunci:  karsinoma nasofaring, radioterapi, status nutrisi, malnutrisi, mukositis.
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