Hyperspectral imaging fluorescence excitation scanning (HIFEX) microscopy for live cell imaging

In the past two decades, spectral imaging technologies have expanded the capacity of fluorescence microscopy for accurate detection of multiple labels, separation of labels from cellular and tissue autofluorescence, and analysis of autofluorescence signatures. These technologies have been implemented using a range of optical techniques, such as tunable filters, diffraction gratings, prisms, interferometry, and custom Bayer filters. Each of these techniques has associated strengths and weaknesses with regard to spectral resolution, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and signal-to-noise characteristics. We have previously shown that spectral scanning of the fluorescence excitation spectrum can provide greatly increased signal strength compared to traditional emission-scanning approaches. Here, we present results from utilizing a Hyperspectral Imaging Fluorescence Excitation Scanning (HIFEX) microscope system for live cell imaging. Live cell signaling studies were performed using HEK 293 and rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (PMVECs), transfected with either a cAMP FRET reporter or a Ca2+ reporter. Cells were further labeled to visualize subcellular structures (nuclei, membrane, mitochondria, etc.). Spectral images were acquired using a custom inverted microscope (TE2000, Nikon Instruments) equipped with a 300W Xe arc lamp and tunable excitation filter (VF- 5, Sutter Instrument Co., equipped with VersaChrome filters, Semrock), and run through MicroManager. Timelapse spectral images were acquired from 350-550 nm, in 5 nm increments. Spectral image data were linearly unmixed using custom MATLAB scripts. Results indicate that the HIFEX microscope system can acquire live cell image data at acquisition speeds of 8 ms/wavelength band with minimal photobleaching, sufficient for studying moderate speed cAMP and Ca2+ events.
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