Nutritional Composition of British Columbia Canned Salmon

Abstract Samples of canned B ritish Columbia sockeye and pink salmon, representative of that available to consumers on a year-round basis, were analyzed for moisture, protein, lipid, ash, salt, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, vitamin B 12 , vitamins A and D , calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, sodium, potassium, iron and zinc. Protein quality was assessed on the basis of amino acid composition. The sampling plan took into account species, time of season, location of catch and processing plant as factors that might influence the nutritional composition. The data are expressed as range and mean ± standard deviation for each nutrient on the basis of species. Contents of vitamins and minerals per 100 g of product are also compared to the R ecommended D aily I ntakes ( RDI ) for these nutrients.
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