Single-crystal growth, structure refinement and the properties of bis(glycine) strontium chloride

Single crystals of Bis (glycine) Strontium Chloride (BGSC) were grown by means of slow evaporation process by using analar grade Glycine and Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate as a parent compound from its aqueous solution at room temperature. The final chemical composition, formed were metallic light colorless block, about the size of 28 mm × 9 mm × 8 mm. A single-crystal x-ray diffraction study revealed an ordered superstructure with orthorhombic symmetry that could be assigned to the space group Pbcn. The structure in BGSC, revealed in the electron density distribution was analyzed by the direct methods (SHELXS-2014) and refined by least squares full matrix method (SHELXL-2014). The crystal structure, including anisotropic atomic displacement parameters for each atom and isotropic atomic displacement parameters for hydrogen atom, was refined to R1 = 0.0395, wR2 = 0.0776 using 1097 independent reflections. The FTIR spectrum of BGSC confirms the protonation of amino groups and the different molecular groups present in BGSC vibrate in different modes. Reverse Indentation Size Effect (RISE) was revealed in BGSC in the micro-hardness analysis using Vicker's micro-hardness analysis. DTA and DSC results ruled out the possibility of structural change independent of mass change. The AFM studies shows fine nano size fiber like structure of the grown crystals.
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