Çeşitli Sütur Materyallerinin Trakeal Anastomozlara Etkisi

SUMMARY In this study, the effects of often used suture materials in the circular tracheal anastomosis on woun d healing and on mechanical resistance of anastomosis was researched experiment ally.Twentyfive healthy cross breed street dogs wei ghing 9-15, at ages from 1 to 3 years old. The animals were divided into 5 equal groups a s control, silk, polyproylen (prolen), polydioxanon e (PDS) and polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) suture groups. Apart from control group 2 cm trache al resection were applied to the animals and than a nd to and tracheal anastomosis were applied using simple suture technique. Three month later, 0.5 cm tracheal material within tracheal ana stomosis was removed and traction and compression tests were applied to the removed mater ial. In compression and traction test, in terms of half compression and full collaps powers, statistical differences between experimenta l groups and control groupswere not determined. Wou nd healing of the anastomosis were exemined histopatologically by light microscope. Wo und healing completed in group 3, 4 and 5 , but in group 2(silk group) due to foreign body reaction, active chronic inflammation observed to contunue. In this study, it was convinced that except silk suture polyproylen (prolen), polydioxanone (PDS) and polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) su ture can safely be used in tracheal circular and to and anastomosis and this was proven by histopatologically compression and traction test s.
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