The Access of Young People in the Usage of the Internet and Social Networks in Life and in Learning

IntroductionSophisticated educational systems in developed economies in the world affirm the need of building a global Communication-information environment that will allow users of educational services and the business community access to information, information sharing and exchange of fundamental practices for improving processes function of intellectual competitive bid. It is why establishing a system of functional information and communication infrastructure based on the promotion of ICT content in education, development of management information system for education, development of systems of distance learning, lifelong and flexible learningis required. For that purpose ICT -literacy and content development is a need for adjustment of civic education in terms of empowering citizens to use e-services, providing continuous digital literacy by adapting to specific professional needs, publishing literature ICT and multimedia in a standard format, creation and use of information in digital form, creating virtual working environments. For the purposes of e-learning in the Republic Macedonia a Proteus portal is designed which is sublimation of all activities taking place in the field of education. A MARNET research network is also created for the continuous development of the university and the academic community which should provide access to Internet information globally through networking of all stakeholders on the application of digital technology. The foregoing activities indicate the focus of the Macedonian educational and business context of approximation to EU standards through the implementation of ICT standards and best practices regarding the application of digital technology in the Macedonian context.Research MethodologySecular trends in the application of ICT in the process of communicating, learning and teaching changed the paradigm in education in terms of preference of strategies of self-direction, self-learning, research, project learning, facilitate learning and more. In this context, is as well focused the research in this paper through which the current situation in the educational system in the Republic Macedonia at the level of secondary education is quantitative and qualitative analyzed . The goal is to get exact information about the application of ICT in teaching aimed at the acquisition of high quality, effective and competitive knowledge. Despite numerous reforms implemented for a decade yet ICT literacy and infrastructure in the Republic Macedonia is unsatisfactory. It is an indicator of the resistance to change as a result of stereotyped mental code that is not adaptable to changing global environment. In order to examine the attitudes of teachers and students about the use of ICT in teaching two combined questionnaires have been set, one for the students which contains 14 statements about the use of ICT.. Each statement has 4 alternative answers for the use of ICT: for fun, to relax, to gain knowledge from certain areas which are a subject to your personal interest folrinformtion and knowledge related to teaching. About the attitudes of teachers there is an instrument which contains 12 statements on a scale of views: never, sometimes, always. For obtaining relevant indicators a protocol for conducting interviews with students and protocol for conducting the interview with teachers, as well as protocol for conducting facilitated discussion with students and protocol for conducting facilitated discussions with teachers has been created. Student questionnaire is designed according to three indicators: the use of ICT for personal interest, for fun, for learning. The teacher questionnaire is designed according to four indicators: use of ICT in teaching, improving competetence and skills of students, creating effective communication at institutional level by applying ICT, application of software for learning and teaching. The survey was conducted in September 2016 in 20 secondary schools in Skopje on a sample of 960 students, 48 students from each high school, from which 12 students of first, second, third and fourth year. …
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