Introduction. Atherosclerosis progression in the internal carotid artery (ICA) is often accompanied by the development of acute cerebral episodes and associated with refractory worsening of hemorheological and hemostasiological parameters despite the regular antiaggregant medication. Aim: to estimate the role of some hemorheological and hemostasiological parameters in the progression of carotid atherosclerosis and development of aspirin resistance taking into account the pharmacokinetics of salicylic and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) at patients with atherosclerosis under continuous administration of ASA drugs. Materials and methods. We examined 93 patients with ICA atherosclerotic lesion and 50 healthy volunteers. Patient’s examination was carried out before treatment onset and after not less than six months of regular treatment (ASA drugs at dose 100 mg/day). Average follow-up period was 10,1]±]3,5 months.  Results. Identification of predisposition for increased thrombus formation in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis has an important prognostic value in drugs selection aimed at reducing blood thrombogenic potential and achieving of stable antithrombotic effect. Conclusion. Developed approach that combines monitoring of salicylates content with simultaneous measurement of platelet aggregation is more informative because it gives the clinician the opportunity to personalize aspirin therapy. REFERENCES1. SuslinaZ. A., TanashyanM. M., IonovaV. G.Ischemic stroke: blood, vascular wall, antithrombotic therapy [Ishemicheskij insul’t: krov’, sosudistaya stenka, antitromboticheskaya terapiya]. Moskva: Medicinskaya kniga. 2005: 247 s (in Russ.). 2. PiradovM. A.Antiaggregant therapy in the prevention of recurrentischemic strokes [Antiagregantnaya terapiya v profilaktike povtornyh ishemicheskih insul’tov]. Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. 2003;11 (12): 696–8 (in Russ.).3. SuslinaZ. A., TanashyanM. 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