Los cursos preparatorios de medicina y farmacia en la Universidad de La Laguna durante la Segunda República (1931-1936)

The Preparatory course of Medicine and Pharmacy, which was imparted since 1917- 18 course at the University Section of Canarias (La Laguna), was suppressed by the govemment of Primo de Rivera dictatorship during year 1927-28, and then by the Royal Decree of September 21, 1927 was created at the Faculty of Science (Chemistry Section) within the new University of La Laguna. With the proclamation of the Second Republic on April 14, 1931, the new government changed the content of the Preparatory course of both degrees, differentiating their content. The Preparatory course of Medicine included the following three subjects: Complements of Physics for Medica!, Complements of Chemistry far Medica! and Complements of Biology for Medica!. But for the Preparatory Course of Pharmacy established the three following subjects: Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Theoretical and Experimental Chemist1y and Advanced Mathematics. In the Canary Islands, students interested on medicine or pharmacy asked the provision of appropriate preparatory courses at the University of La Laguna, which required in addition to the authorization of the Ministry of Education, the appropriate teaching stafffor the relevant subjects and the corresponding budget. The Preparatory course of Medicine started in the Faculty of Science at the University ofLa Laguna during 1931-32, and Pharmacy Preparatory course during 1932-33 which were regularly taught up to the military revolt of July 18, 1936, that suppressed September exams in ali the university education. Militar authority authorized Extraordinary Examinations for Medicine Preparatory at the University of La Laguna in January 1938 (two students), and after the civil war, in December 1939. In March 1940, Extraordinary Examinations for the Preparatory courses of both medicine and pharmacy were authorized.
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