Эффективность и безопасность терапии атровентом и беродуалом у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких в сочетании с ишемической болезнью сердца

The aim of the study was to evaluate an efficacy and a safety of long-term therapy with Atrovent and Berodual in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and ischaemic heart disease (IHD) considering a quality of life and pharmaeconomic aspects. The study is been lasting now, so that this report involves preliminary results. Forty patients aged 43 to 79 years (in average 60.9±8.7 years) have been examined till now. The I stage of COPD was diagnosed in 11 (28%) of the patients, the IIA stage was in 19 (48%), the IIB stage was in 10 (24%) of the patients. The IHD in the form of angina pectoris the 1st functional class (FC) was found in 9 (28%) of the patients, the 2nd FC was in 20 (63%), the cardiosclerosis was diagnosed in 23 (72%), the heart rhythm disorders were in 4 (13%), the conduction impairment was in 14 (44%) and the heart failure of the 1st FC was in 13 (41%) of the patients. All the patients received bronchodilating therapy with Berodual or Atrovent according to the severity of COPD. The drug was chosen based on the FEN^ growth by 5-12% after the acute inhaled test. The study was performed against the background of the antianginal therapy selected before. W e assessed physical data, lung function parameters, performed the cardiopulmopnary test using bicycle test technique, blood gases analysis, daily electrocardiography, arterial blood pressure and heart beat rate monitoring. The quality of life was evaluated with a Russian version of the SGRQ questionnaire; pharmacoeconomic analysis was performed regarding costs of the full treatment course, the anti-anginal medication, the patients’ status monitoring, the fee of the personnel’s work and the patients’ admission to a hospital. The preliminary results showed the safety of the long-term application of the bronchodilating drugs in the therapy of patients with combined lung and heart pathology. The analysis demonstrated the necessity and the reasonability of such the treatment programmes. A certain increase in the examination cost is defended by rarer hospitalizations and disabilities.
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