Study of Thermal Gradient in Concrete Slabs through Experimental Approach

Millions of tons of cement is used every year that adversely affects environment. Cement is also an important building material for infrastructure development. Cement can be suitably replaced with low cost and so called waste materials like fly ash, marble powder, silica fumes etc... Favoring environment and saving cement. Large length of roads is required to be built in near future over the globe in general and in India in particular. The present technology of making flexible pavements is increasingly becoming unsustainable because of rising life cycle costs and could be suitably replaced with high volume fly ash and high volume marble powder based concrete roads. The daily and seasonal variation in temperature is an important factor influencing cement concrete pavements. The temperature differential depends on the thickness of slab and the grade of concrete. In this study an effort is made to determine realistic temperature differential and temperature stresses in pavement quality concrete , high volume fly-ash concrete slab and high volume marble powder concrete slab of different thickness. The Concrete slabs of size 500X500 mm of different thickness are instrumented with thermocouples to record the temperature differential between top to bottom of the slabs. Also an attempt is made to Design a Controlled concrete mix and High Volume Fly Ash Concrete and High Volume Marble powder Concrete by replacing 50% of cement by fly ash and 50% of cement by Marble powder respectively, also to find Compressive strength and Static Flexural strength at different periods of curing. The temperature is recorded every hour for a period of two days. It was observed that the temperature is more predominate at the top of the slab during day time when compared to bottom of concrete slabs and also observed that the temperature is more at the bottom of the slab during night time when compared to top of concrete slabs. The temperature gradient in concrete slabs achieves equilibrium two t
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