Obéissance ecclésiale comme engagement et protestation: La théologie de Karl Rahner comme « théologie attentive aux signes du temps présent »

Since Karl Rahner’s deepest intention was always to be a theologian in the service of the Church and its faithful, various conflicts arose around his theology, both before and after Vatican II. Although in a first period, his priority was to reinforce the position of the individual believer and the freedom of speech and of theology, after the Council, he attempted to defend this first implementation of the Universal Church as the ‘beginning of a beginning’. Along with the debate around the ‘Anonymous Christian’, we must especially highlight his commitment to a new place for women in the Church. Whereas before the Council, Rahner was partially criticized, but recognized, after the Council, some called into doubt his objective orthodoxy, a sign of the radical change in theology and the Church at this time.
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