Grain yield, and chemical and protein composition of Lupinus angustifolius varieties grown in Mexico

Given that the agronomic potential of Lupinus angustifoliusis not yet known in Mexico, we evaluated the yield andchemical composition of six L. angustifolius varieties (Haags Blaue,Boregine, Borlu, Probor, Sonate, and Boruta) in Zapopan, Jalisco,Mexico. Studies were conducted during the Autumn-Winter seasonsof 2012-2013. We identified the varieties with the highest and lowestprotein concentrations and analyzed their respective amino acidprofiles. The major protein constituents were determined by electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE). This experiment was conducted in an agriculturalfacility at the University of Guadalajara using a completelyrandomized block design and four replicates. The highest grain yield(kg/ha) was recorded on the Probor variety (4950 kg/ha) followed byBorlu (4940 kg/ha) and Sonate (4930 kg/ha). The Haags Blaue andBoruta varieties showed the lowest yields. There were considerabledifferences in seed protein content (P<0.05), with values rangingfrom 28.4 to 36.6% on Boruta and Probor, respectively. Analyses ofamino acid composition showed that the Probor seeds had a higherconcentration of lysine and methionine than Boruta (2.45 and 1.93versus 1.09 and 1.63 g/100 g protein, respectively). Electrophoresisrevealed prominent protein bands from 6 to 64 kDa for both varieties.The grain yield, chemical composition, and amino acid and proteinconcentrations of the tested varieties indicate that they could besuccessfully cultivated in the agricultural region of Zapopan, Jalisco,Mexico.
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