Оптимизация элементов технологии возделывания яровой сурепицы в Нечерноземной зоне

Are studied perspective for the Non-Chernozem zone of a breed of a rape and the basic processing methods of their cultivation (times and seeding rates, doses and times of entering of nitrogen fertilizers), the economic substantiation of cultivation of a rape in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone is given. The best are breeds of a rape Svetlana and Zolotistaya which provide reception to 21,2-21,4 ts/hectares of seeds, 8,5-8,9 ts/hectares of fat and 4,1-5,1 ts/hectares of a protein, differ low level glucosinolate (11,7-13,1 mkmol/g) and absence erucic acids in seeds. It is established, that crop of a rape in the conditions of the central area of the Non-Chernozem zone can be spent at approach of a physical tilth (the beginning of May) till the end of May the beginnings of June; the seeding rate of seeds should be 1,5-2,5 million in/ hectares viable seeds accordingly. At late time of crop it is necessary to apply an additional superficial soil cultivation to struggle against weedy vegetation before crop. The quantity of weeds before harvesting decreases in 2,8 times (with 97 to 37,4 pieces/m 2) the seed yield increases on 20 %, their cost price decreases on 14 %. Entering of soil herbicide Клоцет into recommended doses raises a seed yield on 40 (early time of sowing) 32 % (late sowing). Optimum dose of nitric fertilizers on soddy podzolic soils are 60 kg/hectare д.в., brought under a presowing cultivation of soil against P K fertilizers calculated for the planned crop taking into account soil fertility. The biopower estimation of cultivation of a rape has shown, that at productivity of seeds of an expense of cumulative energy of 20 ts/hectares on cultivation make 17,7 Gigajoule, an exit of total energy 48,3 Gigajoule, exchange energy 32,2 Gigajoule / hectars; factor of power efficiency 1,8-2,0.
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