Kronik hepatit B ve kronik hepatit C'li hastalarin eşlerinde HBsAg ve anti-HCV seroprevalansi

Giris ve amac: Bu cal›sman›n amac› kronik hepatit B ve C’de cinsel yolla bulas›m›n arast›r›lmas›d›r. Gerec ve yontem: Cal›smam›za kronik hepatit B ve hepatit C nedeniyle takip edilen hastalar ve esleri al›nd›. Eslerde HBsAg ve anti-HCV bak›ld›. Bulgular: Kronik hepatit B hastalar›n›n eslerinde HBsAg prevalans› %14.4 bulundu. HBsAg (+) ve HBsAg (-) esler aras›nda; yas, cinsiyet, evlilik suresi, transfuzyon ve cerrahi girisim oykusu yonunden anlaml› farkl›l›k bulunmad›. Kronik hepatit C hastalar›n›n eslerinde anti-HCV seroprevalans› %5.5 bulundu. AntiHCV (+) ve anti-HCV (-) esler aras›nda; yas, cinsiyet, evlilik suresi, transfuzyon ve cerrahi girisim oykusu yonunden anlaml› farkl›l›k bulunmad›. Kronik hepatit B ve C partner gruplar› aras›nda; yas, cinsiyet, evlilik suresi ve seroprevalans yonunden anlaml› farkl›l›k saptan›rken, transfuzyon ve cerrahi girisim oykusu yonunden anlaml› farkl›l›k saptanmad›. Sonuc: Bu bulgular kronik hepatit B’li hastalardan partnerlerine cinsel yolla bulast›r›c›l›k riskinin yuksek oldugunu, eslerinin mutlaka bag›s›klanmas› ve guvenli cinsel pratikler onerilmesi gerektigini, aksine kronik hepatit C’li hastalardan partnerlerine cinsel yolla bulast›r›c›l›k riskinin dusuk oldugunu ve multipl cinsel partneri olanlar d›s›nda cinsel pratiklerinde bir degisiklik gerekmeyebilecegini dusundurmektedir. Anahtar sozcukler: Kronik hepatit B ve C, kronik hepatit B’li ve C’li hasta esleri, hepatit B ve C’de cinsel yolla bulas›m Background and aims: This study was designed to evaluate the characteristics of sexual transmission of chronic hepatitis B and C in spouses of patients with chronic hepatitis B and C. Materials and methods: This study included patients with chronic hepatitis B and C, and their spouses. HBsAg and anti-HCV tests were carried out in spouses. Results: The prevalence of HBsAg in spouses of patients with chronic hepatitis B was 14.4%. There were no significant differences between HBsAg (+) and HBsAg (-) spouses with regard to mean age, gender, duration of marriage, previous transfusion, and history of surgical intervention. The prevalence of anti-HCV in spouses of patients with chronic hepatitis C was 5.5%. There were no significant differences between anti-HCV (+) and anti-HCV (-) spouses with regard to mean age, gender, duration of marriage, previous transfusion, and history of surgical interventions. Significant differences between partner groups with chronic hepatitis B and C with respect to age, gender, duration of marriage and seroprevalence rates were noted, while there were no differences in terms of previous transfusions or history of surgical interventions. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that there is a high risk of sexual transmission for spouses of patients with chronic hepatitis B, necessitating safe sexual practices and immunization. The risk of transmission for spouses of patients with chronic hepatitis C appears to be low and thus, unless the patient has multiple sexual partners, a change in sexual practices is deemed unnecessary.
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