도스토예프스키의 「역겨운 일화」에 나타난 휴머니즘

Dostoevsky asks us to think about what humanism really is by satire of humanism insisted by the characters in the short story A Nasty Tale. In other words, Dostoevsky uncovers the falsehood of humanism insisted by liberals in the 1860s. This paper analyzes the humanism asserted by the characters in the novel in this context, and ultimately seeks to clarify the issues of humanism that Dostoevsky considered. In his short story, Dostoevsky satirized the empty claims and shamelessness of the land and liberated humanist, revealing the hatred, antipathy and disgust of the Russian people against the upper classes, bureaucrats and nobles. In the 1860s, liberals not only understood the people abstractly, but also accepted love for them as a theory of humanism. What they lacked is the practice of humanism based on love and brotherhood. Whether or not the practice of humanism guarantees the overall reform of society is another matter. Humanism is not about slogans for reform, but reforms for human values and happiness. That is a reform for humanism.
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